You’ve started in the right place!
Choosing martial arts classes and an instructor can be a daunting task; it isn’t just about style, location, class times, and cost.
There’s a lot more to consider when thinking about which martial arts studio and fitness center is going to be the best fit for you and your family.
And, not every martial arts school or program is a good match. Some emphasize things that might be unimportant to you or even contradictory to your goals.
Others may or may not have instructors qualified and skilled at providing for your needs and goals.
We’re here to help, and if you need, we’re here for you to chat about the choice.
Give us a call or CLICK HERE to set up your first Introductory Quick Start Lesson
Browse our website and take a look at our martial arts and fitness program offerings.
We have a lot of programs, designed specifically for the needs of different students in mind—from the three-year-old to the MMA enthusiast to the busy professional who wants to get in shape and learn self-defense.
But we’re not for everyone, and we turn away potential students who aren’t a good match.
We’re interested in being sure that we meet and exceed your needs and expectations for yourself and your children.
Before joining any program, including ours, make sure that you get a chance to see if it’s a perfect match.
Ask about the trial and program and find out if it’s right for you.
You can fill out the form on this page to set up your first Introductory Quick Start Lesson as well as get more information on our trial program, web specials, class schedules, and pricing.
Money Back Guarantee!
At the Dragon Gym, we start all new students with our signature 3-Class Quick Start Program. This is three classes with our great instructors.
These lessons will give you or your child a chance to see our facility, meet our instructors, and answer any questions that you may have about starting a program.
It also gives us a chance to meet and assess you and recommend a program that will be the best fit. Because you want to feel 100% comfortable when starting a martial arts or fitness program at the Dragon Gym.
Plus, if after your first three classes, you decide martial arts isn't for you, we'll give you a full refund. No strings attached. You can even keep the uniform or boxing gloves.
You see, there's no downside to getting started. But, there's massive potential for upside!