We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding our children’s Martial Arts Summer Camp. Take some time to get informed on our Summer Camp program, and browse our FAQs!
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What’s the most important thing I can do to prepare my child for the first day of summer camp?
My child has never done martial arts before. Is summer camp a good way to get started? Will the classes be beginner friendly?
What should I look for when trying to find the perfect summer camp program for my child?
What if I need to pick up my child early or drop him/her off later?
What options do you have for drop-off and pick-up times?
My child is a current Dragon Gym student. If should he/she attends summer camp, should he/she continue to attend regular classes as well?
What can I expect my child to learn at the summer camps? Are they just fun and games, or do they include martial arts curriculum as well?
What are the benefits of summer camp for my child’s development?