We are so thankful to have been able to serve the Chester County Community for over 50 years. Our students have enabled us to live our dream of teaching martial arts! Please take a few moments and see what folks just like you have had to say about us and the kinds of results that we’ve delivered for their kids and their families. We offer Kids Martial Arts Classes at our Taekwondo Schools in Exton, Malvern, Berwyn, and Phoenixville, PA.
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8th Grader, martial arts student, and actor shares his journey with Taekwondo and the Importance of Passion
Why should you start your child in one of our martial arts programs? Let Laura answer that for you :). Brand new DG mom (they joined our family yesterday!) and former teacher Laura tells us several of her wonderful reasons why she loves the DG community, classes, and instructors, and what makes DG the perfect fit for her daughter and "Ninja Princess", Lydia :). Thank you Laura, and welcome to the family!!
"He's better in school, he's more respectful to his teachers, his peers, he's learned to help others, he's learned to talk to others..."
DG mom, Fran, tells us why she loves DG for her boys, Luis and Hondo.
DG Owner and Instructor Chris Taylor tells us why he loves our "pee wee" classes for his son.
Find out why the Winegar family loves the Dragon Gym and highly recommends it for everybody :)
“We recommend this gym to all of our friends in the area.”
“My son’s confidence level, self-discipline, and respect for himself and others are noticeably so much better.”
“These past four months have been marvelous for him, and I'm thrilled to have my son passionate about attending DG.”
“I am forever grateful to everyone at Dragon Gym for the incredible impact they've had on my son for the last three years.”