Dragon Gym offers a variety of martial arts and fitness programs for children and adults. Check our blog often to stay current with what is going on at the gyms in Exton, Malvern, Phoenixville, and Berwyn, PA to learn about the programs we offer, and to find the latest information on martial arts, fitness, and healthy living.
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The Quick Start Confidence Course at Dragon Gym Main LineKids Martial Arts Program in Dragon Gym, Berwyn, PA Start with the Quick Start Martial Arts for Children Confidence Course. Serving, Paoli, Berwyn, Devon Wayne
Trouble Getting Into Class? We Have SolutionsOur favorite strategies to help with your child's lack of motivation for karate and other activities
Morning Yoga Classes at Dragon Gym Main LineYoga Classes are now being offering at Dragon Gym Main Line in Berwyn, PA just minutes from Paoli, Devon and Wayne, PA
Are You Making these Parenting Mistakes?Common parenting mistakes that we've seen after decades of teaching martial arts to children in chester county, pa
Dragon Gym Exton's InstagramFollow Dragon Gym Exton's Instagram for daily pics of martial arts classes and kettlebells classes. Get fun facts, nutrition tips, free work outs and more!
How to Foam RollSome Basic foam rolling tips to help aid in recovery and performance for your martial arts, kettlebell, muay thai kickboxing and brazilian jiu-jitsu training
Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem With Extra-Curricular ActivitiesI've found the website understood.org to be a great resource as both a parent and martial arts educator. It's a site dedicated helping parents, guardians, and educators better relate and serve kids that may have learning or attention issues.
Bully Prevention TipsOne of the biggest concerns from parents during the back-to-school season is bullying. Some 160,000 kids skip school every day because they fear of being attacked or ridiculed by bullies. The good news is that these disturbing statistics can be limited with the proper education.
What do the Martial Arts REALLY teach children?Well, here's a quick list that I put together that shows our children's martial arts program in wayne, pa is a lot more than just kicking and punching:
Conquer Your FearThe techniques of martial arts just can't be learnt with out the ability fall down and get back up....many times.
How to Tie The BeltMaster Lonnie Beck Shows how to tie the karate belt for kids martial arts classes. Works for Tae Kwon Do, Karate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes in Berwyn, PA
The Difference Between Kids Karate and Age-Specific Martial Arts for ChildrenKids Karate or Age-Specific Martial Arts Classes for Children? What's the difference and why does it matter for the development of your child?